Brazos County Health District is currently able to provide most vaccinations due to federal and state-funded programs. Because of the funding sources, there are eligibility requirements that must be met in order to receive the vaccines. If you do not qualify at this time, we will refer you to either pharmacies or to a primary care physician.  The eligibility requirements are as follows:


Adults 19 years and older:

COVID-19 vaccines are available to anyone uninsured or underinsured*.

For all other vaccines, you must be uninsured to be eligible.



Children 18 years and younger:

Eligible: Uninsured, underinsured*, Medicaid (currently enrolled or in the application process), or American Indian/Alaskan Native.

Not Eligible: Private insurance that covers vaccines or children with CHIP. 


*Underinsured definition:

Someone who has private insurance that does not cover vaccines.


Someone who has private insurance that only covers selected vaccines (eligible for non-covered vaccines).


Someone who has private insurance that has a fixed dollar limit or cap on the amount that it will cover for vaccines (eligible once fixed dollar limit or cap is reached).



1. For COVID, this would include anyone with Medicare Part A or D, but doesn't have Part B

2. For other vaccines, this would include anyone that is being required to pay any amount out of pocket after the insurance was run